
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Ancient Aliens and Big History (Part 2)
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Episode 27
Continuing the discussion of Ancient Astronaut Theory, this time we explore another approach to understanding history, known as Big History. This educational approach to the exploration of history is much more than a timeline of human history, or even of Earth history. Big History goes all the way back to the Big Bang as a starting point, and presents a timeline, in a narrative form, leading all the way to the modern era. It doesn't stop there, using this big picture approach to draw a conclusion that we, as a species, have a tremendous responsibility and influence in ensuring that history continues into the future.
Led by historian, Dave Christian, a growing group of scholars and educators are encouraging a shift in how we think about history. Emphasizing that modern human history did not emerge out of nowhere, but rather at a particular time and place, in specific historical context. Through compelling argument, they present a big picture view and a unifying concept of the human condition.
As we explore the theoryology behind our fascination with Ancient Astronaut Theory, we come to understand that both it and Big History are focused not in just presenting "facts" as they are understood with each approach. More importantly, they are endeavoring to provide an origin story. Origin stories have been constructed since the beginnings of human civilization, through mythologies, religious beliefs, early explorations into experimental and observational studies, and currently into the modern realm of scientific exploration and experimentation.
We understand the past to be our origins, and we understand ourselves through these ancient origin stories. They were central to education in the ancient world, giving shape and meaning to knowledge. This broad approach to understanding and learning, though, had been lost in the modern world, and instead replaced with fragmented, compartmentalized studies that are discipline specific. The narrative has been lost, with the focus so much of the "what" and the "when" of history, that we don't even ask "why?".
Big History is out to change that, taking standard accepted science and history, across multiple disciplines, to make history "big" again. It appeals to our desire for origin stories. This is the same appeal found in the Ancient Astronaut hypothesis.
Joined again by guest co-host Mike Nelson, we tackle Big History and draw conclusions about Ancient Astronaut Theory that hopefully provides a bit more understanding of its pervasive influence to the public.
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Music is by adamhenrygarcia.bandcamp.com

Tuesday May 21, 2019
Ancient Aliens and Big History (Part 1)
Tuesday May 21, 2019
Tuesday May 21, 2019
Episode 26
Published in 1968, Chariot of the Gods?, written by Erich Von Daniken, sparked a movement of thought and belief that endeavored to rewrite our understanding of the origins of human civilization and advancement. Von Daniken proposed that the historical record was proof of ancient extraterrestrial visitation and intervention across nearly all of the developing cultures throughout antiquity. These records, comprised of ancient artwork, mythological and religious texts, and even architectural structures, were not symbolic of supernatural belief systems and figurative understandings of mythical beings, but rather literal, misunderstood depictions of alien astronaut interactions with early cultures. Mankind advanced by learning from these ancient visitors, undertaking massive stone construction, advanced mythologies, astronomical reference, and even advanced technological mechanics.
These ideas influenced pop culture and media for decades, spurring televisions shows, books and movies based on these ideas. Even today, Ancient Alien hypothesis is discussed and debated.
Von Daniken was not the only major influence though, and any discussion of Ancient Aliens would be remiss without a thorough review of the works of Zecharia Sitchin. Sitchin brought a different approach to the influence of ancient alien visitors in antiquity. Building his research from self-taught translation of cuneiform texts, Sitchin proposed an entire origin story to the very biological beginnings of mankind, stemming from an ancient race of alien beings, known as the Anunnaki. Heralding from the planet Nibiru, a far reaching planet within our own solar system, these Anunnaki came to Earth in search of gold to protect their planet's atmosphere. The Anunnaki, wanting their own race of workers to serve their needs, created, through genetic experimentation, modern humans, influencing their development and ultimately forming the early Sumerian culture.
Joined by guest co-host Mike Nelson, we tackle the history and ideas of these two influential authors that gave rise to the massive phenomenon known as Ancient Alien Theory.
email - contact@conspiracytheoryology.com
Twitter - @TheoryologyPod
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Music is by adamhenrygarcia.bandcamp.com

Wednesday May 01, 2019
BONUS - Mandela Effect - Patreon Teaser (w/ guest Mike Nelson)
Wednesday May 01, 2019
Wednesday May 01, 2019
BONUS - Patreon Teaser
This week I have a bonus episode for you to enjoy. A heavily abridged version of the conversation I had with my guest host, Mike Nelson, over on Patreon. Mike and I explored the Mandela Effect as a follow up to the Food Pyramid episode which only briefly touched on the topic. Mike brought a fresh perspective and some great research and we had a great time! The entire discussion was about an hour and a half, so I pulled out about 30 minutes to highlight and give you a feel for what is available over at the Patreon page. Introducing a concept known as "Collective Effervescence", Mike walks us through a plausible explanation of how the Mandela Effect functions as a beneficial function in social memory...at some of the examples!
This Patreon exclusive feed is called Expanded Theoryology and is available to all patrons. Mike and I hopped onto SquadCast to record a remote session and just couldn't put away the microphones!
email - contact@conspiracytheoryology.com
Twitter - @TheoryologyPod
Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast
Patreon - www.patreon.com/conspiracytheoryology
Music is by adamhenrygarcia.bandcamp.com

Thursday Apr 25, 2019
The Day Finland Didn't Exist
Thursday Apr 25, 2019
Thursday Apr 25, 2019
Ep. 25 - Finland Doesn't Exist
In the Cold War era, Japan and the Soviet Union supposedly shared a secret about a stretch of the Baltic Sea between the Soviet Union and Sweden. Around the mid-20th century, the two nations collectively spread the idea that there was a landmass known as Finland on that stretch of ocean, to keep the good fishing between themselves. The Japanese were free to fish as much as they liked there without worrying about international laws, so long as they give a share to Russia. The company of Nokia is actually owned by the Japanese and is used to hide the shipments from this secret fishing industry in the guise of hardware. To get all this food across the continent, the trans-Siberian railway was built for this express purpose.
This is the conspiracy theory that surfaced in 2015 on an unassuming Reddit thread. Not long following, it went viral, traveling across social media and taking on a life of it's own. The fallout was fast and fierce. While many responded jokingly or dismissively, some responses were highly critical, and even outright insulting. Understandably, some Finnish users within Reddit were offended that such a claim was gaining traction. And traction it saw. Spreading across social media sites such as Tumbler and 4chan.
The question remains, what made this amusing conspiracy theory resonate so well with the public? Why did it capture our imagination, inspire discussion and spur debate? Is it due to some internet "law" that speaks to parody and sarcasm, or is it rooted in something more substantial in literature, like the concept of satire? Why does it speak to us? We try to tackle this issue on this episode of Conspiracy Theoryology.
email - contact@conspiracytheoryology.com
Twitter - @TheoryologyPod
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Music is by adamhenrygarcia.bandcamp.com

Thursday Apr 11, 2019
The Day Sleep Paralysis Took Hold
Thursday Apr 11, 2019
Thursday Apr 11, 2019
Ep. 24 - Sleep Paralysis
Why talk about sleep paralysis? Isn’t it usually just an explanation in itself for strange phenomenon?
Actually, it’s not a definitive answer to all night time visions and experiences. Blaming sleep paralysis is simply blaming a physiological function as a means of dismissing strange experiences. Yet, it has become the go-to explanation, and we are eager to accept it as the reason for any sort of frightening tales of experience that remotely include aspects associated with this poorly understood physical response.
These experiences run the gamut. Sleep paralysis is now the primary accepted explanation for the night time visitation from demons, witches, ghosts and shadow people, alien visitation and abduction, even spiritual and out-of-body experiences.
So again, we are left with a phenomenon that would come up again and again in topics of the paranormal and supernatural, but itself is really just as mysterious. Just as fascinating in itself. Which means there is probably some theoryology behind it. Well, let’s try to understand sleep paralysis better.
email - contact@conspiracytheoryology.com
Twitter - @TheoryologyPod
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Music is by adamhenrygarcia.bandcamp.com

Thursday Apr 04, 2019
That's Not Romantic...It's Creepy!
Thursday Apr 04, 2019
Thursday Apr 04, 2019
Podswap - Burst Your Bubble Podcast
A wonderful episode swapping project coordinated by the lovely and talented host and creator Moxie at Your Brain on Facts. Inspired by the days of comic strip artists swapping characters, this operation is meant to introduce new podcasts, not only to you the listener, but us as well, that we think our listeners will find interesting and enjoyable.
Today, I have to pleasure of bringing you the 50th episode of the Burst Your Bubble podcast, with host Morgan Jaffe. Just like you and I do here at Conspiracy Theoryology, Morgan takes an idea and breaks it down in ways that we might not consider. Finding themes in pop culture, television or film, she dissects the -isms and phobias that are often hidden, or not so hidden within the media. Whether you agree or disagree, Morgan is going to guide you through ideas and perspectives that you may never have considered, peering through a media literacy lens, with a dash of history in the mix.
Morgan is fun and insightful, and frankly, just fun to listen to. I recommend that you jump over to BurstYourBubblePodcast.com to check out more about the show, and don’t be afraid to subscribe and add the show to your listening repertoire. And don’t worry, I’ll be back next week with another episode of Conspiracy Theoryology. I’ll see you then.
email - contact@conspiracytheoryology.com
Twitter - @TheoryologyPod
Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast
Patreon - www.patreon.com/conspiracytheoryology
Music is by adamhenrygarcia.bandcamp.com

Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
The Day We Spontaneously Combusted
Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
Episode 23 - Spontaneous Human Combustion
This phenomenon, also known as SHC, probably because it gets old saying the full term pretty quickly in a long conversation, goes back hundreds of years and still befuddles investigators in cases today. This isn’t really a tale of the supernatural, although it certainly gives that vibe. It’s certainly paranormal in the very literal sense of being out-of-the ordinary. The term is used in different ways; By investigators and coroners as a means to close a case and ascribe a lack of explanation as a conclusion; By survivors as a means of giving cause to an otherwise unexplained loss; By story tellers as a means of warning against behaviors and lifestyle.
Ultimately it’s a phenomenon that’s captures our imagination because spontaneous human combustion hits on so many elements of fear and expectations.
The best way to talk about SHC is to hear the stories and think about their elements. Only after you get a feel for the stories can we look into look into some possible psychological basis for our fascination.
email - contact@conspiracytheoryology.com
Twitter - @TheoryologyPod
Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast
Patreon - www.patreon.com/conspiracytheoryology
Music is by adamhenrygarcia.bandcamp.com

Thursday Mar 14, 2019
The Day We Built a Food Pyramid
Thursday Mar 14, 2019
Thursday Mar 14, 2019
Episode 22 - The Food Pyramid
Howdy Theoryologists. Let’s talk about the infamous USDA Food Pyramid. Think back to when you first saw it? That pyramid poster on the wall. When do you remember seeing it? Grade school? On TV? When was that? How old is that colorfully pyramid shaped stack of food?
Regardless, that now infamous visual was meant to convey, in summary, the recommended dietary guidelines as outlined by the US Department of Agriculture. The food pyramid was controversial from it’s very introduction. Backed by research, then influenced by agriculture lobbyists, the graphic (and many of the recommended guidelines behind it) were heavily criticized for vague categorization of some food types, ambiguous and undefined serving recommendations, and the blatant politicizing and alteration of the nutrition science of the time. Criticism notwithstanding, it was rolled out with a huge marketing campaign, and food pyramid posters appeared in school cafeterias and public clinics throughout the country. The guidelines drive planning for multiple USDA managed food programs, and the impact has been felt since. In fact, it’s very shape has played a part in its influence. So influential this graphic became and so pronounced the criticism for it, that although it’s been replaced with something not triangular in shape, the term “food pyramid” has become synonymous with the entirety of the history that is the USDA Nutrition Guidelines, and has even created a bit of a Mandela effect.
email - contact@conspiracytheoryology.com
Twitter - @TheoryologyPod
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Patreon - www.patreon.com/conspiracytheoryology
Music is by adamhenrygarcia.bandcamp.com

Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
CT021 - The Day We Debunk The Skeptics
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
Episode 21 - Pseudo-Skepticism
Howdy Theoryologists. Today we are discussing the broad brush stroke term “skepticism”, and specifically the misuse and mislabeling of a falsely skeptical approach that hides an objective of debunking. See, underlying any topic we have had, or might have in the future on Conspiracy Theoryology, is the skeptical perspective. That point of view which says “I’m not just taking this at face value,” and rightly so. There would be no such thing as a conspiracy theory, or alternative belief, if things always were, or they weren’t, in our minds. In fact, there wouldn’t be much of anything if we never questioned the truth of what we know at that moment. There’d be no advancement. No discovery. No need for proof. Fortunately, that’s not the case. Skepticism is quite popular. It’s even trendy to consider yourself a skeptic. This is why I decided it needed its own devoted episode, otherwise it just goes piecemeal into every episode, and never adequately.
Skepticism is a part of our everyday lives, and something that most would consider pretty healthy. No one would debate the need to be a bit skeptical of the safety railing at a scenic lookout along a mountain path, or the need to be skeptical of the expiration date before taking a gulp of milk from the carton in the refrigerator when you aren’t sure how long it’s been there. Yeah, skepticism is healthy, but that’s not where skepticism causes an issue. In fact, it’s rarely called skepticism. That’s just safety consciousness, or good sense. No, skepticism has become an almost professional moniker for those that question beliefs, theories and experiences that fly in the face of mainstream accepted reality, as well as those that call into question our understanding of the world and how we live and interact. Skepticism, as a way of thinking, and "Skeptic" as a title, has been appropriated almost exclusively by those that ascribe to a mainstream position of scientific skeptical inquiry.
In reality, though, skepticism has an identity crisis.
email - contact@conspiracytheoryology.com
Twitter - @TheoryologyPod
Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast
Patreon - www.patreon.com/conspiracytheoryology
Music is by adamhenrygarcia.bandcamp.com

Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
CT020 - The Day Space Went Flat (Flat Earth Theory Pt. 3)
Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
Episode 20 - Flat Earth Theory (Part 3)
Howdy Theoryologists. This time we will really pull together the reason for first exploring the concepts of belief and perception. I knew we would need to have a good context of those idea before we jumped into the evolution of flat earth theory. Our discussions previously have approached Flat Earth as a proposed idea. Really a hypothesis to be tested and proven. But of course, we like to talk conspiracy, and yes, flat earth has it’s conspiracies.
In one sense, the conspiracy is that of cover up. An effort to hide the truth. In another sense, it’s the idea of a flat earth itself that is the conspiracy, or at least a means of conveying the conspiracy. The idea that reality contradicts perceived reality. That the natural laws that govern the way we understand the world are there to hide a true reality. Perhaps even programmed to deceive. Finally, there is the conspiracy of collective consensus. The idea that the scientific community, and even the general population, simply dismisses flat earth because it is a threat to the reality we’ve made for ourselves, and feel comfortable in.
email - contact@conspiracytheoryology.com
Twitter - @TheoryologyPod
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Music is by adamhenrygarcia.bandcamp.com