
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
CT009 - The Day Carl Jung Analyzed a Crop Circle
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Episode 9 - Crop Circles
The name conjures the image in the mind. A crop circle means a golden geometric pattern has been shaped into a field somewhere, and eventually turned into a poster on someone's cubicle wall. Some believe that they are made by extra-terrestrial visitors, or perhaps by magnetic fields flowing from deep within the earth along leylines. Others simply chalk them up to the result of weather phenomena or the artful endeavor of hoaxers known as "cereal artists". Crop circles, whatever the cause, capture our imagination, but why? The answer may lie with an ancient symbol known as the mandala. Thanks to analytical psychologist Carl Jung, we can explore the deep psychological value of both mandala and crop circles as reflections and representation of self and our understanding of our identities, and maybe discover why we find these fanciful field formations so fascinating!
email - contact@conspiracytheoryology.com
Twitter - @TheoryologyPod
Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast
Music is by adamhenrygarcia.bandcamp.com

Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
CT008 - The Day Ghosts Started Photobombing Our Selfies
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
Episode 8 - Ghost Photography
You've seen them on the internet. You may even have some within your own collection. Ghost photos. Also known as paranormal or spirit photography, the practice of capturing ghostly apparitions on camera is as old as the field of photography itself. Thought to be caused by the environmental affect by the apparition, either through radiation, ionization, or some impact to non-visible light spectrums, the camera captures images that are not seen by the naked eye. Well, it may be a ghost, or it might just be that you are hard wired to make sense of randomness of all that background noise in the photograph. In this episode we explore the history of spirit photography, and discuss the psychological phenomenon of pareidolia that might help explain at least some of those spooky ghost photos that we all love to stare at, looking for something otherworldly.
email - contact@conspiracytheoryology.com
Twitter - @TheoryologyPod
Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast
Music is by adamhenrygarcia.bandcamp.com

Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
CT007 - The Day Bacon Wrote Shakespeare
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Episode 7 - The Question of Shakespeare Authorship
We've all studied Shakespeare. You read him in school. You performed a soliloquy in drama class. You've watched all the bad coming of age teen remakes. Did you know, though, that Shakespeare didn't actually write any of his works? At least, that's the theory, and we discuss the historical thought of the day that inspired this hotly debated and contemptuous accusation. We also explore an area of pursuasive argument known as the Argument of Authority, that just might explain why people today continue to jump on the band wagon of Shakespeare "doubters" whether they have a literary background or not.
email - contact@conspiracytheoryology.com
Twitter - @TheoryologyPod
Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast
Music is by adamhenrygarcia.bandcamp.com

Tuesday Jul 03, 2018
CT006 - The Day New Coke Fizzled
Tuesday Jul 03, 2018
Tuesday Jul 03, 2018
Episode 6 - The New Coke Conspiracy
Are you old enough to remember the introduction of New Coke? Afterward, when Coca-Cola Classic was re-introduced, did you hear all the stories about how the whole thing was a big marketing conspiracy, and New Coke was always meant to fail? Well, join me as we discuss the story behind the well intentioned but ill conceived business decision that lead to one of the biggest consumer backlash events in soda history. Also, find out how a better understanding of how and why rumors spread can help improve discussions of actual conspiracy theory.
email - contact@conspiracytheoryology.com
Twitter - @TheoryologyPod
Facebook - @TheoryologyPodcast
Music is by adamhenrygarcia.bandcamp.com

Tuesday Jun 19, 2018
CT005 - The Day Area 51 Joined the Narrative (PART 2)
Tuesday Jun 19, 2018
Tuesday Jun 19, 2018
Episode 5 - Area 51 - Part 2
The conclusion of our discussion about of one of the most secure, highly restricted military installations in the United States, Area 51. This time we dive into an understanding of narrative psychology and how the concept of narrative identity can be used to explain the public appeal of Area 51.
Doesn't the whole thing sometimes feel like a great story? Almost a movie plot, that starts with a crashed UFO, leads into a secret base the is so secure it's own existence isn't acknowledged, and onto the accelerated advancement of our military technology through the reverse engineering of the crash debris. Well, if you think it reads too well to be coincidence, or, you think it's too good to be true because it isn't, this episode is for you.
No matter what you think of Area 51, you think of it. And...you like it. It captures the imagination and sparks a fascination like few other places.
Music is by adamhenrygarcia.bandcamp.com

Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
CT004 - The Day Area 51 Joined the Narrative (PART 1)
Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
Episode 4 - Area 51 - Part 1
The first part in the discussion of one of the most secure, highly restricted military installations in the United States, Area 51. Ask yourself, what is the first thought that comes to mind when you hear "Area 51?" Did you say flying saucers, alien bodies and Roswell? Well, if you did, you share that opinion with a majority of the population. It may surprise you to know that those associations were not made of Area 51 until the 1990's, and that memory you have of Area 51 being in all the UFO stories since the early days of alien conspiracy is false.
On this first part, we talk about the history and origin of the conspiracy and Area 51, and discuss the standard argument given for why it holds such popular interest in the public consciousness. An argument that doesn't actually explain the fascination and longevity of Area 51 appeal in pop culture and public imagination.
Music is by adamhenrygarcia.bandcamp.com

Monday May 28, 2018
CT003 - The Day Paul McCartney Died
Monday May 28, 2018
Monday May 28, 2018
Episode 3 - Paul McCartney is dead, and the world hears about it after some astute college journalists follow the trail of clues left within song lyrics and album art. The world of Beatlemania is turned upside down and a new conspiracy is born that has endured for over half a century as a text book example of "confirmation bias."
On this episode we discuss the possible motivations that lead to the unplausible acceptance of this theory, and the real power of secrets and super-fandom.
For further information regarding areas of discussion, please visit the links below:
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Beatles
- http://turnmeondeadman.com/the-paul-is-dead-rumor/
- https://www.dawn.com/news/1307942
- https://www.thedailybeast.com/what-made-the-beatles-so-big-diagnosing-beatlemania
- https://psmag.com/social-justice/rihanna-doesnt-give-a-crap-about-you
- http://www.chicagotribune.com/lifestyles/sc-fam-0923-keeping-secrets-20140923-story.html
- https://www.psychologicalscience.org/observer/the-science-behind-secrets
- http://www.apa.org/ed/precollege/ptn/2016/05/teaching-the-beatles.aspx
Connect with me at Facebook.com/TheoryologyPodcast and on Twitter @TheoryologyPod. Leave comments on the website, at Apple Podcast, Podbean, Google Play Music, or wherever fine podcasts are sold...
And as always, this podcast would not sound cool at all without the help of awesome music by AdamHenryGarcia.Bandcamp.com

Tuesday May 15, 2018
CT002 - The Day Bigfoot Stepped Into Scene
Tuesday May 15, 2018
Tuesday May 15, 2018
Episode 2 - Bigfoot steps on the scene and into our hearts.
This is a fun episode as we figure out how a 1950's television western, a fish, and a trip to the zoo all helped to make Bigfoot the top tier celebrity that he is today.
Below is a list of links for source information covered in this episode:
Connect with me at Facebook.com/TheoryologyPodcast . Leave comments on the website, Apple Podcast, or whenever fine podcasts are sold...
And as always, this podcast would not sound cool at all without the help of awesome music by AdamHenryGarcia.Bandcamp.com

Sunday May 06, 2018
CT001 - Welcome to Conspiracy Theoryology
Sunday May 06, 2018
Sunday May 06, 2018
Episode 001 - A quick welcome episode in which I explain the origin and structure of the show, and hopefully set the stage for a lot of great episodes and topics in the future.
As we begin this show series, please connect with me at Facebook.com/TheoryologyPodcast
There's not a lot of content this week, but continue to check show notes in future episodes for links to research documents and informative podcasts, videos and books that I use in preparation for the shows.
Music for this episode is by Adam Henry Garcia

Saturday Apr 28, 2018